Cluster 3
Using CLEVER Badges
to get to applications
To use the Clever Badges, use this LINK.
We are using Clever Badges for single logon access to all the applications students will be using. When the Clever portal appears the Sonoma Charter will appear in the upper left corner. ​
Click on the LINK.
A camera will appear, have your child hold badge to the camera.
A green check mark will appear.
If it asks for a pin number it will be 123456.
If the portal does not appear, go to the top right and click on the blue and white C to get to the portal.
The portal will appear and your child can access the applications that are available to the students.
Need help email Marian Rasmussen mrasmussen@scs.k12.ca.us
Parent Introduction to the Parent Insight Dashboard (video)
The video about Parent Insight Dashboard includes:
Setting up your account
Getting Help